Functional Medicine

What is Functional Medicine?
Functional Medicine is a integrative (whole mind/body) approach that helps restore health by addressing the underlying causes of disease. Our experts value your opinion every step of the way moving away from the traditional disease-centered model to a patient-centered/collaborative model of care. In this therapeutic relationship, we observe all aspects of your life ie. nutrition, past and present medical and psychological history, occupation, habits, and even physical living space.
Functional medicine gets to the root cause of the problem eliminating band-aid approaches to chronic and complex health care problems thereby giving the power back to the patient.
It uses evidence-based best medical practices integrating western (allopathic) medicine with integrative medicine.
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When our genes interact with a negative physical source (poor nutrition, environmental toxins/radiation, dysfunctional family dynamics, etc.) as well as a negative emotional source (anxiety and stress, depression) a state of disease can follow.
Symptoms only occur when an overburdened mind/body system has reached its threshold of keeping this disease at bay. Often times conventional medicine or compartmentalized medicine (the skin rash is only seen as a rash rather than a systemic disease involving the bowels for example) aims to alleviate these symptoms through the use of medications.
When applying functional medicine, we first spend a significant amount of time with you creating a full picture of your current health status. Then, we formulate a comprehensive plan of action for your health. Whether you decide to take advantage of the guidance by our life coaches or go it alone, we will provide you with ample opportunities to discuss and finetune this plan as you go through with it.
We use advanced laboratory testing and assessments to find the source of the disease. Then, we take advantage of the latest advances in nutrition and detoxification programs, nutrigenomics, nutraceuticals and supplements, psychological therapies (such as mindfulness-based stress reduction), and psychophysiological therapies (such as neurofeedback) to guide you toward optimal health.
What benefits do you get from doing Functional Medicine Therapy with Elumind?
- Get a full body/mind evaluation and establish the root causes of any chronic disease.
- Optimize your endocrine (hormonal) system allowing a healthier mind/body profile.
- Eliminate causes of weight loss/weight gain and thereby reaching your ideal (healthy) weight.
- Reduce chronic pain by reducing nerve inflammation.
- Re-establish gut health and thereby keep your immune system in optimal shape combating chronic infections or autoimmune conditions.
- Learn lifestyle changes to combat chronic stress and reduce unnecessary stressors.
- Improve your cognitive capacities such as memory, motivation, and concentration.
- Have a happier, more fulfilled life by enhancing your mood.