Headaches And Migranes

Headache is one of the most common forms of pain an individual may feel. Millions of people have headaches, sometimes regularly. If the headache is chronic or severe, then further treatment is recommended
Symptoms of Headaches
- Pain (dull, throbbing, piercing)
- Limited or decreased cognitive abilities
- Inability to concentrate or focus in class due to unending pain
- Inability to focus or complete homework or study for an exam
- Difficulty working, or inability to work at all in cases of chronic or cluster headaches
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Headaches And Migranes
Headaches can be caused by physiological, environmental, and genetic factors. In many cases, regular everyday headaches are due to lifestyle habits or changes in an individual’s daily routine. This could be missing meals, a lack of sleep, stress, or not having a stimulant, such as coffee, upon which one is dependent. Headaches during pregnancy are common, especially in the first trimester. Genetic headaches are often more severe or chronic.
Migraines are moderate to severe headaches that include more symptoms than headaches, such as nausea, vomiting, trouble speaking, and a sensitivity to light and noise. Typically, migraines are felt on only one side of the head and last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. The diagnosis of migraines is determined by clinical history, symptoms, and family genetics as they do tend to be passed down. In fact, a child will have a 50% chance of having migraines if one of their parents suffers from them.
Migraines are moderate to severe headaches that include more symptoms than headaches, such as nausea, vomiting, trouble speaking, and a sensitivity to light and noise. Typically, migraines are felt on only one side of the head and last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. The diagnosis of migraines is determined by clinical history, symptoms, and family genetics as they do tend to be passed down. In fact, a child will have a 50% chance of having migraines if one of their parents suffers from them.
- Low energy and fatigue
- Muscle pain and weakness
- Food cravings or lack of appetite
- Mood changes
- Hyperactivity
They are believed to be caused by a combination of both environmental and genetic factors. Migraines can be triggered by hormone changes, stress, certain foods, caffeine, medications, smoking, and skipping meals. Migraines can be also caused by psychological factors such as stress, hunger, PTSD, or hormonal influences. Other triggers for people who do live with migraines are indoor lighting and air quality.
A Migraine attack usually begins with a dull ache that gets increasingly intense, especially with physical activity. An attack can last about 4 hours and in severe cases last for days.
How we can help?
Over-the-counter medications can ease a headache as the pain usually abates after a few hours. In some circumstances, the pain can last longer or may even be chronic. If this is the case, the headache could be the result of another underlying issue, such as an intracranial bleed, head trauma, or concussion. In these situations, a thorough investigation is warranted. If the headaches are chronic, then it is suggested that the individual receives treatment to prevent further impairments.

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