1.Short term focus
the ability to intensely lock your attention for a few moments on an event/task inside your head (thoughts, images) or outside your head (objects, people, etc.).
Rate your short term focus in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Short-term focus
Never able to intensely focus on targets
Laser-focused on the target every time
Rate your short term focus during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Short-term focus
Never able to intensely focus on targets
Laser-focused on the target every time
2.Sustained Attention
the ability to maintain sufficient attention across a longer time period to perform or take in and process information (e.g. data input, attending to conversations, instructions, etc.)
Rate your ability to sustain attention in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Sustained Attention
Unable to sustain or keep focus
Excellent steel trap focus all the time
Rate your ability to sustain attention during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Sustained Attention
Unable to sustain or keep focus
Excellent steel trap focus all the time
3.Busy Brain
Busy thoughts or wandering mind interfering with your focus/performance
Rate your ability to sustain attention in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Busy brain always wandering
Busy brain never interferes, or sometimes aids performance
Rate how often you experience busy brain during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Busy Brain
Busy brain always wandering
Busy brain never interferes, or sometimes aids performance
Calm (ability to stay calm and in control and/or letting go of irrelevant thoughts)
I feel/believe I have control over events and things that happen to me
Rate your sense of control over events in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Always feeling no control over events
Always feeling in control of events
Rate your sense of control over events during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Always feeling no control over events
Always feeling in control of events
Calm (ability to stay calm and in control and/or letting go of irrelevant thoughts)
5.Letting Go
ability to mentally let go of things that are not important to your health & performance
Rate your ability to mentally let go of things in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Never able to let go of things
Always able to let go of things
Rate your ability to mentally let go of things during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Always feeling no control over events
Always feeling in control of events
Calm (ability to stay calm and in control and/or letting go of irrelevant thoughts)
6.Anxiety / worry
anxiety / worry that interferes with your health and/or performance
Rate how often your anxiety/worry interferes in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Always interferes
Never interferes
Rate your ability to mentally let go of things during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Anxiety / worry
Always interferes
Never interferes
Calm (ability to stay calm and in control and/or letting go of irrelevant thoughts)
7.Negative thoughts / depression
negative/depressive thoughts that interfere with your health and/or performance
Rate how often negative/depressive thoughts interfere in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Negative thoughts / depression
Always interferes
Never interferes
Rate how often negative/depressive thoughts interfere during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Negative thoughts / depression
Always interferes
Never interferes
Calm (ability to stay calm and in control and/or letting go of irrelevant thoughts)
unnecessarily tight muscles (or tremor) interfering with your health or performance
Rate how often tight muscles / tremor interfere in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Always interferes
Never interferes
Rate how often tight muscles / tremor interfere during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Always interferes
Never interferes
Calm (ability to stay calm and in control and/or letting go of irrelevant thoughts)
unnecessarily holding your breath, or breathing fast/erratically, which interferes with your health and/or performance
Rate how often breathing interferes in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Always interferes
Never interferes
Rate how often breathing interferes during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Always interferes
Never interferes
Calm (ability to stay calm and in control and/or letting go of irrelevant thoughts)
10.heart racing
your heart is beating unnecessarily fast
Rate how often your heart is unnecessarily in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Always racing
Never racing
Rate how often your heart is unnecessarily during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Always racing
Never racing
Calm (ability to stay calm and in control and/or letting go of irrelevant thoughts)
your body/ hands unnecessarily sweat a lot(even when not doing physical activity or in a hot location)
Rate how often you are sweating unnecessarily in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Always sweating
Never sweating
Rate how often you are sweating unnecessarily during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Always sweating
Never sweating
Calm (ability to stay calm and in control and/or letting go of irrelevant thoughts)
12.Cold hands
your hands are unnecessarily cold (even when not in a cold location)
Rate how often your hands are unnecessarily cold in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Always cold hands
Never cold hands
Rate how often your hands are unnecessarily cold during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Always Cold hands
Never Cold hands
Calm (ability to stay calm and in control and/or letting go of irrelevant thoughts)
13.stomach knots
your stomach is tight, upset or nauseous
Rate how often your stomach is tight, upset or nauseous in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Rate how often your stomach is tight, upset or nauseous during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Ideal Performance/Zone
14.Preparation for Performing at Your Best
feeling you have an adequate foundation to perform at your best (eg. knowledge, lifestyle, fitness, training, experience, etc.)
Rate how prepared you feel to perform at your best in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Ideal Performance/Zone
Preparation for Performing at Your Best
Never feel adequately prepared
Always feel adequately prepared
Rate how prepared you feel to perform at your best during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Ideal Performance/Zone
Preparation for Performing at Your Best
Never feel adequately prepared
Always feel adequately prepared
Ideal Performance/Zone
15.Body State for Ideal Performance
feeling that your body is at an ideal state to perform optimally
Rate how often your body is at an optimally performing state in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Ideal Performance/Zone
Body State for Ideal Performance
Never in an optimally performing state
Always in an optimally performing state
Rate how often your body is at an optimally performing state during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Ideal Performance/Zone
Body State for Ideal Performance
Never in an optimally performing state
Always in an optimally performing state
Ideal Performance/Zone
16.Mental State for Ideal Performance
feeling that your mind is at an ideal state to perform optimally
Rate how often your mind is at an optimally performing state in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Ideal Performance/Zone
Mental State for Ideal Performance
Never in an optimally performing state
Always in an optimally performing state
Rate how often your mind is at an optimally performing state during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Ideal Performance/Zone
Mental State for Ideal Performance
Never in an optimally performing state
Always in an optimally performing state
Ideal Performance/Zone
Ability to stay focused/committed to performing at your best even when things are going poorly or the outcome seems bleak
Rate your grit in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Ideal Performance/Zone
Never have grit
Always have grit
Rate your grit during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Ideal Performance/Zone
Never have grit
Always have grit
Ideal Performance/Zone
How well you recover or adapt to changes or adversity
Rate your resilience in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Ideal Performance/Zone
Never Resilient
Always Resilient
Rate your resilience during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Ideal Performance/Zone
Never Resilient
Always Resilient
19.Time to fall asleep
Rate how long it takes to fall asleep in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Time to fall asleep
Always takes longer than 30 min to fall asleep
Always asleep within 30 minutes
Rate how long it takes to fall asleep during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Time to fall asleep
Always takes longer than 30 min to fall asleep
Always asleep within 30 minutes
20.Night awakenings
how easy is it to fall back to sleep within 30 minutes after night time awakenings?
Rate how easy it is to fall back to sleep within 30 minutes in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Night awakenings
Never fall back to sleep within 30 minutes
Always fall back to sleep within 30 minutes
Rate how easy it is to fall back to sleep within 30 minutes during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Night awakenings
Never fall back to sleep within 30 minutes
Always fall back to sleep within 30 minutes
Rate the impact of your sleep quality in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Fatigued all of the time even if sufficient hours of sleep
Feeling rested, sharp, ready, excited due to good sleep
Rate the impact of your sleep quality during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Impact of Sleep
Fatigued all of the time even if sufficient hours of sleep
Feeling rested, sharp, ready, excited due to good sleep
22.Sufficient, Balanced, Healthy Nutrition
Rate how often you maintain a sufficient, balanced, healthy diet in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Sufficient, Balanced, Healthy Nutrition
Never eat a sufficient, balanced, healthy diet
Always eat a sufficient, balanced, healthy diet
Rate how often you maintain a sufficient, balanced, healthy diet during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Sufficient, Balanced, Healthy Nutrition
Never eat a sufficient, balanced, healthy diet
Always eat a sufficient, balanced, healthy diet
23.Use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs
Rate how often you use tobacco/alcohol/drugs in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs
Multiple times every day
Rate how often you use tobacco/alcohol/drugs during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs
Multiple times every day
24.Discipline to maintain behaviours and habits
Rate your discipline in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Discipline to maintain behaviours and habits
Never maintain discipline
Always disciplined
Rate your discipline during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Discipline to maintain behaviours and habits
Never maintain discipline
Always disciplined
25.Firm Belief
You firmly believe in yourself, or something outside of yourself.
Rate your sense of firm belief in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Never firmly believe
Always firmly believe
Rate your sense of firm belief during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Never firmly believe
Always firmly believe
There are some thing(s) to which your are fully committed.
Rate your sense of firm commitment in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Never firmly committed
Always firmly committed
Rate your sense of firm commitment during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Never firmly committed
Always firmly committed
showing compassion to yourself; being kind and understanding when you make mistakes or fail, acknowledging it is part of being human
Rate how often you practice self-compassion in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Never practice self-compassion
Always practice self-compassion
Rate how often you practice self-compassion during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Never practice self-compassion
Always practice self-compassion
28.Social support / cooperation
You have a social network in which you confide and cooperate
Rate your sense of firm belief in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Social support / cooperation
I have no social support
I have very strong social support
Rate your sense of firm belief during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Social support / cooperation
I have no social support
I have very strong social support
29.Problem solving
actively using effective problem-solving skills
Rate your use of effective problem solving skills in your REGULAR DAILY LIFE:
Problem solving
Never use effective problem solving skills
Always Never use effective problem solving skills
Rate your use of effective problem solving skills during stress/conflict/demand situations:
Problem solving
Never use effective problem solving skills
Always Never use effective problem solving skills